Sunday, June 7, 2009


Sunday we left the Edmonton area and made our way to Valleyview where we stayed overnight at the Welcome Center.  It was a nice, safe area and it would be our last night in the province of Alberta.

Some of the scenery along the way.038 029 030 035

Here we are at the Welcome Center040

We met the neatest couple…He is originally from Biloxi, MS and she is from New York.  They  are on their way to Magrath, AK to live and work.  He is going to manage a radio station and she hopes to teach.  They lived in Magrath but moved back to the Biloxi area 2 years ago…hated the heat so decided to go back to Alaska with their dog Ziggy.  He goes by Bushman Bill on the radio.  Magrath is a town of about 300 and can only be reached by plane.043

Moving on…

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