Sunday we drove back into Hyder to hopefully see some bears at Fish Creek. Needless to say it was raining again…not that it has ever stopped. It rains so much here but never a hard rain…more like a really soft rain. I stayed about 30 minutes at the viewing stand and was cold and bored so I left Bob there and I got in the car and starting driving the road…notice I did not say roads…there is only one road…looking for bear. I did see one small black bear but he was moving pretty fast.
Then I spotted this little guy…it was my day for black bears.
We decided to give it a break so we came back to coach after a couple of hours and took a nap and ate lunch. We went back to the viewing area about 7:30 or so and were on our way out when a large black bear entered the creek from the other side of the bridge. This one was so big and everyone was pretty much running trying to keep up with him/her as she moved up the creek.
Unfortunately, my camera was not able to do a good job. I knew I was having trouble while trying to take the pictures. I must have needed to change the setting because it was dusk and getting hard to see. But…it was a thrill and worth all the time we spent looking. We did see a couple of other bear while on the roads but did not get pictures.
I am so disappointed in the pictures but was so thrilled to see this beauty.
Moving On.