Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011 Coffeyville, Kansas


Time flies when you are having fun…now if I was just having fun!!!   Awww, I can’t really say that.  Tomorrow night we start our third week of working at in Coffeyville, Kansas.  Bob and I are both picking this year and staying very busy and walking a bunch…I mean a bunch.  My feet have been killing me so we made a trip to Brown’s shoe store on Wednesday and bought new shoes, orthotics and socks…well, I now have happy feet!  I actually came home Thursday and Friday mornings and my feet were not throbbing…yippee. 

When we got off of work on Friday, several of us met at the local Daylight Donut shop…they open at 4:00 am.  My friend Carolyn says our meeting there is like most people that go to a bar for a drink on Friday afternoons…this is the closest we can get to that concept.  You take your kicks where you can get them in Coffeyville.

Saturday is always great because it is a day off…I didn’t get up until around 1:00 pm, got ready and headed off to Wal-Mart.  Home again and started preparing a hash brown casserole.  The owners of the RV park we are in, Buckeye RV Estates, were having a cookout for everyone with them furnishing the hamburgers and hotdogs and fixings and everyone contributing a covered dish…well some of the dishes weren’t covered.  There were about 70 or so people there, everyone had a good time and the food was awesome. 

Dueling grills.108

By the time everyone arrived the tables were loaded with food.



Our friend Rita was presenting an RVers flashlight to a couple that is leaving so they can find their way back to Buckeye…it was really cute…I believe it was a toilet paper cardboard roll with matches taped all around it.  Way to go Rita.


Some of the guys built a campfire when it started to cool down but Bob and I decided to make our exit as there were several college football games on TV that we wanted to watch.  Got home, we each claimed a sofa and got ready for some great football…ten minutes later we were both sound asleep.  Oh well, so much for time off. 

Sunday was pretty much a repeat as far as resting went.  I did manage to cook breakfast about 2:00 pm, did lots of laundry and then got in some fishing for about an hour or so while Bob sat outside and read with Miss Cissy sleeping by his chair.  She was very tired.  It was a good day for the Moores.  Back to work tomorrow night.

Moving on.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,
    Was great reading your blog and the memories we have of picking and going to Daylight Donuts after work. A tip on keeping your feet from hurting that we didn't learn until too late (learned from an Amazon employee). One pair of shoes one day...dif pair next day. Mixes it up for your feet and it sure worked..Hugs to you both ! Hang in there...
